Privacy statement

This statement is intended to inform you of how HELLOHOME always uses your personal data in accordance with national law and European Parliament Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of data. for the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

HELLOHOME is committed to the full implementation of existing legislation and European regulations taking into account the adoption of appropriate technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data.

This policy applies to personal data collected from the website:


Responsible for your personal data for this website is Maria Pavlidou (22 Filippou- Thessaloniki), phone: +30 2310230163, Email:, hereinafter referred to as “HELLOHOME”.

Purpose of this policy.

The purpose of our policy is to capture the following in the simplest, most comprehensible and concise way possible:

  • What data do we process through our website, for what purpose and on what legal basis
  • How long do we store your data?
  • Who can be the recipients of your data?
  • What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
  • What are our legitimate interests?
  • What applies to your consent when necessary
  • What applies to personal data collected through cookies
  • Hyperlinks

When you need to give us your personal information

Information that is automatically collected when you visit our website: (IP address, URL, Browser, OS)

HELLOHOMEcan detect the IP address through which the computer or any other electronic device accesses the Internet and then our website. This is because of the way the internet works and aims to protect networks from malware. For the same reason, this function collects information about the type of browser and operating system (eg windows, android, iOS, etc.) of the user, in order to display the web page according to the system specifications. This information cannot be identified directly and is stored for the minimum necessary period for the security and proper operation of the networks. This information does not require your prior consent before downloading it, as it is necessary for the safe and proper operation of any website.

The legal basis for the use of your data is article 4 par. 5 ed. γ’ of ν. Regulation (EC) No 3471/2006, which permits the storage or access of a technical nature, the sole purpose of which is the transmission of a communication via electronic communications network or which is necessary for the provision of an information society service expressly requested user.

Automatically stored information – Cookies policy

Cookies are small data / text files stored on your computer hard drive by your browser.

Cookies are divided into different categories depending on the purpose they serve and the way they work, such as to facilitate your browsing from one website to another, to store your preferences and generally to improve your browsing experience.

Cookies and other similar tracker technologies are governed by the e-privacy Directive EC 2002/58, which was incorporated into Greek law by Law 3471/2006, and additionally by the EU 2016/679 European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but also by Law 4624/2019.

On our website we use cookies of three categories:

• Necessary
By necessary cookies we mean those that have been evaluated as necessary from a technical – functional point of view, as without them a connection to the website can not be made (secure or not at all) to make the connection to the website or in general to provide the internet service specifically requested by user (eg placing products in the shopping cart). For cookies in this category, the law does not require your prior consent. For all other categories of cookies and in accordance with Law 3471/2006, no. 4, par. 5, the installation of “cookies” is allowed only if the subscriber or user has given his consent after clear and extensive information.

• Performance (statistical analysis)
If you provide your consent, HELLOHOMEuses cookies for the statistical analysis of the operation of the website, the measurement of traffic and some other data of the effectiveness of the operation of the page, which are provided to us in a form that can not immediately identify you.

• Marketing
Marketing cookies are used to track visitors to websites. The purpose is to display ads that are relevant and engaging to the user. They are installed only if the user gives his prior consent, choosing to be active.
At any time you can change the cookie settings that are installed by our website, by clicking on the relevant tab “COOKIES SETTINGS”, which is located at the bottom of our website.

Detailed information about the cookies used, the function they perform per category, their duration and their recipients, can be seen here.

When you send us messages through a contact form

You can submit your message on our website via the contact form. For this purpose, you must state your name, telephone number and email address so that we can contact you to respond to your message. The legal basis for the use of this information is our legal interest in responding to the messages of the visitors of our website, and in case through your message you ask us to conclude a contract between us (eg cooperation, or purchase of products), or to we take any action in the context of a purchase you have already made (eg replacement, return, etc.), our legal basis for the use of your data is to take action at your request before concluding a contract or executing a contract that we have with you.

If you choose to contact us using this form, none of the data you provide will be stored on this site or transferred / processed by anyone. Instead, the data will be entered into an email and sent to us. The e-mail content is encrypted before being sent over the internet to travel safely and is decrypted by our local computers and devices upon receipt.

We will keep your message in our electronic mailbox for 12 months from the last communication, unless it includes information about a contract with you, in which case it will be kept for up to 5 years after the completion of our cooperation, for the purpose of proving our transaction and the establishment / exercise of legal claims that may arise on both sides within the prescribed limitation period.

When you create a user account on our website

If you wish to create a user account on our website, in order to place orders in our online store, you will need to enter an email account in order to receive notifications about your orders, your name, and a phone number. communication. If you place an order afterwards, you will be additionally asked for the delivery address of the products. In case you act in your professional capacity and place an order as an entrepreneur, you will also be required to provide us with your VAT number, in order to issue the required sales invoice. Also, to create your account, you will be required to create a personal login password, which you will need to protect from third party access.

It is necessary to have the above personal data in order to execute your order and to contact you in order to inform you about it if necessary, as well as to issue the necessary tax document (receipt or invoice).

The legal basis for our use of your data is in the first phase the fulfillment of a contract at your own request, ie the service provided by us as a member of the website, as part of the easier submission of orders. If you place an order afterwards, the legal basis for our use of your information is the fulfillment of the sales contract that we conclude with you, when we accept your order, or the measures taken upon your request (your order) before the concluding a contract, for example to check the stocks of the products you request and to tell you if your order can be executed or if a product is not available. Especially for your tax information, which is necessary when you request the issuance of an invoice, the legal basis is our legal obligation to issue the tax document, as well as to submit the relevant tax returns.

The details of the orders that you submit to us, will be kept for 5 years from their submission, for the purposes of proving the transaction and establishing, supporting or exercising legal claims within the prescribed limitation period. Especially for the tax data, they will be kept for as long as the current law requires their observance (currently 10 years).

In case you do not provide any of the above information, it will be impossible to create the user account, as we will not be able to identify you among other users and respond to your requests and orders.

When placing an order through our online store.

You can purchase products from our online store, without necessarily creating a user account.

In case you place an order through our online store, you will need to provide us with your name, the delivery address of your products, your contact phone number, as well as your e-mail address. It is necessary to have all the above personal data in order to execute your order and to contact you in order to inform you about it if necessary, as well as to issue the necessary tax document (receipt or invoice).

The legal basis for us to use your information is to fulfill the sales contract we enter into with you when we accept your order, or to take action upon your request (order), for example to reply that a product does not it’s available. Especially for your tax information, which is necessary when you request the issuance of an invoice, the legal basis is our legal obligation to issue the tax document, as well as to submit the relevant tax returns.

The details of the orders that you submit to us, will be kept for 5 years from their submission, for the purposes of proving the transaction and establishing, supporting or exercising legal claims within the prescribed limitation period. Especially for the tax data, they will be kept for as long as the current law requires their observance (currently 10 years).
In case you do not provide any of the above information, it will be impossible to complete your order.

When buying a gift certificate for a third party

Through our e-shop you can buy and send automated digital gift vouchers, as a gift to third parties, for the amount you want, by entering the e-mail address of the person you want. Our e-shop will send an automated e-mail to the recipient’s email address, which will include the digital gift voucher. Our website does not store the details of the recipients of the gift vouchers and the processing of their own personal data is done in execution of your order and under your responsibility. This means that for the legal processing of the personal data of these persons, we perform the role of processing on your behalf, observing all the obligations imposed by law for this role, such as security and confidentiality, obligations under Article 28 of the GDPR, etc. , even when for you this processing is outside the scope of the GDPR, as your household / personal activity.

In case someone else sent you a gift voucher that he bought from our online store, you can redeem it within 6 months either in our physical store, paying with it for purchases you will make there, or in our online by entering its code in the field “redemption” gift certificate “, if you choose one or more products of our online store.

When you subscribe to the newsletter service of our website

In case you wish to subscribe to our newsletter service by mail, in order to be the first to know our offers and new products, you will do so by giving us your explicit consent for this purpose, stating your mail.

You can revoke this consent at any time by mail to, or by pressing the “unsubscribe” or “unsubscribe” button at the end of each newsletter.

If you are already registered as a user by creating an account on our website, we may send you such informative emails without the need for your prior subscription to the newsletter service. In this case you can also choose to unsubscribe at any time by mail to or by pressing the “unsubscribe” or “unsubscribe” button at the end of each newsletter.

Your information will be retained by us for the purpose of sending you newsletters, as long as you retain your consent to it and do not revoke it.
Details of your credit, prepaid or debit cards or payment accounts

Our website does not collect or maintain your card or account information. If you choose to make your payment using your credit, prepaid or debit card, you are logged out of our website and led to a secure banking payment environment of the partner bank. We only receive the automated information of the cooperating bank about the success of the payment, in order to complete the shipment of your order.

Making an automated decision

We do not use your personal data for automated decision making that may have legal or other significant consequences for you, nor do we create profiles for you based on your personal data.

What are your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?


You have the right to know if the personal data concerning you, have been or will be processed and in any case to request from HELLOHOME the correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate, or their completion in case of deficiencies. When updating your personal information, you may be asked to verify your identity before we can process your request.


You may receive your personal data in electronic form. Your right applies:
A) if you provided them yourself
B) or by giving your consent
C) or for concluding a contract with us.
You will receive them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (ie in a type of electronic file widely used and easily readable by common software), as well as to pass them on or request their transfer from us to another editor, as long as this does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.


Under the terms of the law you can request the deletion of your personal data, as well as in certain cases the restriction of the processing that they undergo. Personal data that we have to keep due to legal obligations cannot be deleted. Deletion of personal data necessary for the execution of the contract may lead to the cancellation of the contract or inability to execute it.


You have the right to object at any time to the processing of data concerning you.

This right applies to you if the reason for their processing by us is our legal interest and you have an objection due to any particular situation of yours (for personal, professional or social reasons).

This applies to the data that is automatically collected during your internet browsing, and on our website, when we send you a newsletter due to your status as a member of our website that maintains an account on it, as well as when you send us a message via the contact form of our website.


You have the right to request a restriction on the processing of your data.

This will be the case if you question the accuracy of your data and until we verify it, when you consider that the processing is illegal, when we no longer need it, or when you have exercised the right of objection.


When we process your personal data based on the consent you have given us (eg when you subscribe to our newsletter), you have the right to withdraw it freely, at any time, without retroactive effect, and without suffering any consequences in other services we provide. for other reasons (eg based on a contract for the sale of our products).


You have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority in case you consider that your data is being processed illegally. The Authority recommends that you contact us first to submit any complaints or requests. You can do it for free, by email at We will make every effort to satisfy your request. In case you are not satisfied with our answer, you can submit your complaint to the Authority (1-3 Kifissias Ave., 115 23 Athens, tel. 210- 6475600,, email: ).

How to exercise the above rights:

For the exercise of your rights, as well as for any information regarding the processing of your personal data, you can submit a request to
We may need to ask for your identification before answering to make sure that no one else is exercising your right.

As a rule, your request will be satisfied within one month of receipt, or if it is particularly complex, you will be informed at least within a month of the delay that may result from the complexity of the request.
The information and all relevant actions in response to your requests are provided free of charge, unless they are excessive or repetitive.

Retention time of your personal data

Your personal data is kept only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, in the distinctions mentioned in the above cases of their use.

Who can be the recipients of your personal data?

Only HELLOHOMEAuthorized Partners have access to the data whenever necessary. We may, on a case-by-case basis, grant access to our affiliates, who provide their services to us (such as web hosting providers, webmasters, computer support providers, transport companies, etc.) if their services are necessary for our operation and your service. All our partners have committed to us with a contract for the protection of your personal data and undertake not to disclose to anyone else.

In any case, your personal data will not be transmitted, sold or disclosed to anyone for marketing purposes, without your prior explicit consent.
Transfers to third countries

Your personal data shall not be transmitted to third countries outside the EEA or to international organizations, unless the provisions of the law on guarantees for the protection of personal data are complied with.

Security of your personal data

HELLOHOMEimplements appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to ensure the appropriate level of security of your data against risks. However, no information system is 100% secure. In any case, HELLOHOMEhas prepared a plan to deal with any incident of violation, in order to eliminate or reduce its consequences, according to which if there is a high risk to your rights or freedoms, you will be informed immediately.

Hyperlinks (Links)

Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy statement does not apply to user access to other websites. Please consult the privacy policy of the website you enter each time.

In the event that the hyperlinks of our website lead to sites where the intellectual property works are presented to the public, we are not responsible for the case that these sites make a presentation without the permission of the beneficiaries. In any case, HELLOHOME never places hyperlinks for profit and controls these hyperlinks as much as possible, as to the sites they lead, so that it does not present protected works without the permission of the copyright or related rights holder.

Update and modification

HELLOHOMEreserves the right to modify / update individual parts of this Policy, without the obligation to inform you in advance. Please always read the Privacy Policy before using our website to be informed of the current version of the Policy in the event of any modifications or updates.

Last update of this Policy: May 2022