Shopping Terms from the e-shop of HELLOHOME

1. These terms apply

These Terms and Conditions apply to the goods sold from the online store (hereinafter "HELLOHOME"). Every order you place through our online store, implies the acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2. Details of the E-SHOP seller

The seller of this online store is the sole proprietorship of Maria Pavlidou of Christos with the distinctive title "HELLOHOME", based in Thessaloniki (22 Filippou, PC 546 31), tel. (+30) 2310 230.163 E-mail:

3. Order submission-Preparation of the sale- Cancellation of the order

1. When you click the "Send Order" button, it means that you send to HELLOHOMEa proposal for the purchase of the products in your cart and you agree with the application of these General Terms of Purchase.

2. Confirmation of receipt of the purchase offer, which is sent automatically immediately after the submission of your order, certifies that your order has been received by the HELLOHOME. This, however, does not automatically mean acceptance of your offer to purchase, which will be done only after checking and verifying the availability of the products you order, in which case you will be sent a separate email confirming the acceptance of your order. HELLOHOMEexpressly reserves the right to accept your offer or not, depending on the availability of the products you have chosen.

3. Any incorrect registration of products or method of payment / place of shipment by you is not the responsibility of HELLOHOME, but of you.

4. You can cancel your order if it has not been shipped yet. The cancellation request can be submitted either by phone, at 2310 230.163 or by email at:

Please see here for payment methods.

4. Product availability

1. If the products ordered are not immediately available or are not available at the listed price due to a change in the listed price at the time of ordering and processing, the HELLOHOME will inform you about whether or not it accepts your order, as well as about the availability and the current price or any delays in the delivery. In case of non-acceptance, any payments you have made will be canceled, at which point a refund procedure will follow depending on the payment method you have chosen. Please note that some items are only available upon your order and are not available for sale in our store. In this case we order these items especially for you and the execution of your order, when it will not be possible to return them. See more about our return policy here.

2. The HELLOHOME checks daily the accuracy of the listed prices of the products of the online store, but in any case, it is explicitly reserved in case of any incorrect indication of a price due to inadvertence due to a human or technical factor, which (price) obviously could not correspond to normal or average selling price of the respective product. HELLOHOMEwill inform you about any errors in the listed prices of products you ordered and the current price. Any payments you make in this case will be canceled.

3. In any case you will be informed within 3 to 5 working days about the delivery time of your products.

5. Ways - delivery times and costs

1. HELLOHOMEserves orders with a place of delivery within the Greek Territory. Orders can be delivered in the following ways:
• To be sent with the cooperating courier company (DHL) and will be charged with shipping costs of 5 euros if your order does not exceed 3 kg. Heavier orders are shipped with a shipping company and the cost varies depending on the weight / volume and destination. In any case and for the complete information of the customer, the final transfer cost is calculated before the shipment and a relevant e-mail is sent to you.
• Pick them up from our store. In this case you are not charged with shipping costs, however the payment of your order must be completed by electronic means (deposit to account or payment by card or Paypal through our e-shop) For more on payment methods see here.

2. Product returns made at our expense, ie those due to product defects or any incorrect execution of your order, will be accepted only with the cooperating courier company (DHL).

3. Orders are processed within the next 3-5 working days. Delivery time is entirely up to the courier or transport companies, but may also be affected by the payment method you have chosen (eg the time of completion and appearance of the bank transfer may vary depending on the Bank (usually 2-3 working days )

4. Delivery of orders will be made, if possible, within 1-3 working days from their processing by HELLOHOME, unless special conditions affect the load of courier companies and cause extraordinary delays (eg holidays, public holidays, or special periods conditions such as pandemic). In case of inaccessible or remote areas (eg islands or remote provinces), shipping and delivery of your products may require 3-5 days more time.

The prices listed in this paragraph, include VAT.

6. Product return costs.

The return costs of the products that we sent you and are defective or incorrect, are borne by us, if you return them with the courier company that cooperated with us and delivered them to you.

The cost of returning non-defective products is borne by you.

7. Check products upon receipt

When delivering, you should check the products you receive, as after that you carry the risk of accidental destruction, deterioration or loss. Your signature on the receipt form means that you acknowledge that you have received the products of your order correctly and that they are not defective.

8. Non-receipt of products

If the customer does not receive the order after receiving the notice from the carrier and it returns to HELLOHOME, it reserves the right to withdraw from the sale. In such a case, the customer will receive a credit note equal to the sale price (excluding shipping costs), which will be repaid by HELLOHOMEin the same way that the customer paid the price.
In case you re-declare the desire to receive the products, the shipping costs will be borne by you, regardless of the amount of the order.

9. Gift vouchers

If you purchase a gift voucher, a unique code will be generated that corresponds to your gift voucher and will be emailed to the recipient's email address when you purchased it. Make sure you enter the recipient's email address correctly.

The gift voucher can be redeemed within 6 months of purchase in the following ways:
A) In our physical store (22 Filippou-Thessaloniki) from anyone who displays the e-mail we sent, with the code of the gift certificate.
B) In our online store, by anyone, who after selecting the products he wants, will use the gift voucher code as a method of payment.

Gift certificates are not a product or good, so they can not be returned, as this is equated with liquidation of the gift voucher. However, it is possible to return products purchased with a gift certificate, according to what is provided in our return terms.

In case of return of products purchased with the gift certificate,
the return of their value will be made by crediting their value to the available balance of the gift voucher. If the gift certificate has expired upon return of the products, the value of the product will be credited to a Credit Voucher that will be delivered to the customer, either electronically, if he made the purchase through our online store, or at the physical store, when he has made the buy it in our physical store.

Gift vouchers can be redeemed gradually, at any time within a period of 6 months from their purchase, by choosing products of equal or greater value, completing the price difference.
NOTE: Based on Greek legislation and in particular according to par. 4 of article 7 of the Tax Code for the Display of Transactions (Law 4093/2012) a retail receipt or invoice is issued at the sale, upon delivery or commencement of shipment of the goods. Therefore, when buying a gift voucher, no retail receipt is issued, as there is no delivery-sale of goods, but the purchase of a right in favor of a third party which is integrated in the gift voucher.

10. Payment and product prices

1. All prices on are in euros and include the legal VAT.

2. Upon completion of the selection of products, the customer can choose the method of payment, ie:
A) by debit, prepaid or credit card Visa, Maestro & Mastercard,
B) by deposit in no. IBAN: GR71 0172 2220 0052 2207 7807 854 bank account at Piraeus Bank (beneficiary Maria Pavlidou of Christos). Please note that all bank charges of both the shipping bank and Piraeus Bank are borne by the customer.
C) through your Paypal account

3. Maestro, MasterCard and Visa cards are accepted. Payment information is encrypted when processed. All online card payments are made in the secure protected environment of the partner bank in real time. The data that the customer enters when making an electronic payment, is not checked or processed or stored by HELLOHOME, but by the partner bank through its secure online payment platform. Please note that the secure payment system may ask you to confirm the transaction through 2 authentication agents, sending you a text message or email with a unique password, provided that you already have the electronic banking codes of the bank issuing your card. In case the buyer who makes the transaction is not the same person as the owner of the Card, does not bear any responsibility and has no obligation to return money.

4. If payment is selected by bank deposit in the HELLOHOME bank account at Piraeus Bank, the order is prepared by us with the appearance of the bank transfer in our bank account. The time of completion and appearance of the bank transfer may vary depending on the Bank (usually 2-3 working days). If the deposit is not made within 10 working days, the order is automatically canceled.

5. In case a refund is required, it will be carried out by HELLOHOMEin the same way as the customer paid the price, unless otherwise agreed with the customer, without culpable or unjustified delay. When the payment has been made by you by deposit in our account, for the refund, you must state the IBAN of one of your accounts, in which the beneficiary is the person who placed the order in our online store.

11. Retention of title

Products that may have been delivered to you without having been paid in full or in part, remain the property of HELLOHOMEuntil the final, full and complete payment of the price.

12. Right of withdrawal / Return of non-defective product

If the customer is a natural person (consumer) who prepares the sale for personal use and not for the service of his professional activity, then he is entitled to withdraw from the sale within 14 calendar days, which start from the delivery of the product (to the customer or to the carrier indicated by the latter), returning the product to its original condition, bearing the cost of return and any reduction in the value of the products. If at the time of placing your order you request the issuance of a sales invoice (and not a retail receipt), we will consider that you are acting in the context of your professional activity, with the consequence that you do not have the right of withdrawal and other provisions on consumer protection.

Please note that some products such as earrings, for hygiene reasons, are not allowed to return. Returns are also not allowed on products that were not immediately available and were ordered specifically for you.

The remaining products can be returned, under the following conditions:

1. The product has not been used
2. The product is accompanied by its original packaging and all its contents
3. For items that have special factory packaging, their packaging must not have been tampered with or damaged.
4. Have not removed any labels or brand markings, etc. that the products may have on them
5. Products to be assembled must not have been assembled.
6. In any case, the products you wish to return must be accompanied by the necessary legal documents and receipts.

In the event that the product you are returning is found to have undergone changes, damage or alterations that do not relate to the result of the management of the goods necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods, the amount to be refunded will be reduced by the amount of the impairment of the value of the product (see below in condition 15).

13. Ways of exercising the right of withdrawal:

The statement of withdrawal shall be sent in writing to the following details:
• By registered letter to the sole proprietorship "MARIA PAVLIDOU", based in Thessaloniki (22 Filippou-PC 54631)
• or by email to the email address:

Find here a model of withdrawal form

Fill in the required information directly on the form, sign it and send it in one of the above ways.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal in any of the ways described above, you will receive confirmation of receipt of the exercise of your right of withdrawal.
• The products are returned at the customer's expense to the address: Maria Pavlidou, Thessaloniki, 22 Filippou-PC 54631.

14. Product changes

In case you wish to withdraw from the purchase of products you received and instead order some others, of equal, higher or lower value, you should contact us by phone or e-mail, to arrange the return of the original and the shipment of new products, as well as any differences in their price. In any case, the costs of returning the original products and shipping the second order are borne by you.

15. Consequences of withdrawal

1. General

In the event of a valid exercise of the right of withdrawal, any reduction in the value of the goods, as well as any benefits arising from this reduction, should be restored with monetary compensation, only in the case and to the extent that it is due to the management of the product which goes beyond the usual examination of products other than that which is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the product. The usual examination and management of the product in order to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the product, means the examination of the relevant goods, as it would be done in the usual way in a physical store.

Returned products travel at the risk of the customer. In any case, the customer bears the return costs and any impairment of the value of the product, for the determination of which HELLOHOMEis explicitly reserved until the receipt of the returned goods. Once the product is received and checked for any impairment of its value, any monetary liability to it (eg delivery, price) will be refunded to the customer in the manner in which this payment was made by the customer, unless otherwise agreed with him. In case the customer made the withdrawal in order to order other products (product change), the price of the last products can be set off with the amount to be returned, after consultation. The refund obligation will be fulfilled without undue delay and within 14 calendar days from the return of the product.

2. Product value reduction - refund

Value reduction

If you return a product within 14 days of receipt and have complied with the return conditions set out above, you may incur a reduction in the value of the product (usually around 20% of its original value) if the management you have done in this it exceeds the acceptable measure of the examination that a customer would do in a physical store to check its nature, characteristics and mode of operation. In this case you will receive a credit note equal to the sale price, reduced by the amount of the impairment, which will be repaid by HELLOHOMEin the same way that you paid the price, unless otherwise agreed with the customer, without culpable or unjustified delay.

Money return

HELLOHOME will refund any payment received within 14 calendar days from the date on which it was informed of the decision to withdraw from the contract. HELLOHOMEis entitled to refuse a refund until the product is returned to it or until the consumer provides proof that he has sent the product (whichever comes first). HELLOHOMEis entitled to deduct from the refunded amount the return costs, which are borne by the customer as well as any compensation in case of destruction, damage or damage to the product or impairment of the value of the product due to actions of the customer. HELLOHOMEin any case is entitled to claim in any legal way any amount that was damaged (indicatively, either with respect to return costs or with destruction, damage or damage, impairment of the value of the product, etc.).

16. Consumer rights - Liability - Force majeure

1. The rights of consumers from the provisions on the sale of consumer goods and guarantees of the Civil Code and the law on Consumer protection, but also from any other relevant provision, apply as provided by the above legal provisions. HELLOHOME's liability for defects or deficiencies in the contracted properties is limited to two months from the receipt of the products by the customer.
2. Customer claims for compensation or monetary satisfaction of any kind and legal basis are excluded. In particular, claims for damage to health, life and bodily integrity are excluded.
3. Any claim for compensation or pecuniary satisfaction of any nature and legal basis is excluded, in case of assistance due to force majeure.

17. Defective products: right of return, correction or replacement of defective products

In the unlikely event you receive a defective or damaged product HELLOHOMEwill make every effort to correct it and replace it with the same or similar product at no extra cost to you. However, you must inform us by e-mail at so that we can send you instructions for the return of the product as well as a return code. If the product is no longer available, it can be replaced with an equivalent product by arrangement or we can refund your money.

The products displayed in our online store may differ in color from reality (due to various factors such as the characteristics of photography, lighting during photography, screen resolution, etc.). Such deviations can not be described as deficiencies of contracted quality or as defects of the products you order.

Your other rights in case of defective products:

1. The customer is also entitled, within the legal or agreed timeframes and, regardless of the above-described right of unjustified withdrawal, to exercise any of the rights granted to him by law due to a product defect (correction, replacement). , price reduction or withdrawal), and in accordance with the requirements of the law, in addition by submitting a direct request to the HELLOHOME.
2. In case of defect, you can send an email to with all the necessary information.
3. If a product is declared defective by the customer, HELLOHOMEexpressly reserves the right to diagnose the product as such, in order to replace it with a non-defective one or to correct it, if possible.
4. If the defect is insignificant, the right of withdrawal is not granted by law.
5. If the defect can be corrected or replaced, the customer must accept the correction or replacement, unless it is unprofitable for the customer.
6. If a product is returned as defective and HELLOHOMEafter the above inspection determines the existence of a defect, the customer can be informed about the course of replacement or correction.
7. The assignment or transfer of rights regarding the defectiveness of the products is excluded.

18. Protection of personal data

We inform you that for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations from our transaction, your personal data that you give us are collected and kept exclusively for the fulfillment of these obligations, as well as for purposes of compliance with the obligations imposed by law (eg issuance of legal documents, submission of tax returns, etc.). This data will not be transmitted to unauthorized third parties, except our partners, whose services are necessary for the execution of the contract (eg carriers, computer support companies, hosting our website, etc.). All our partners are committed in writing to the protection of your personal data. Any customer data contained in returned products will be deleted by HELLOHOMEand will not be further processed by it.

For more information about your personal data and your rights to it, see our privacy policy.

19. Final provisions

1. These general terms and conditions are governed by Greek law.

2. For any difference between HELLOHOME and the client, competent for its resolution are the competent Courts of Thessaloniki. For out-of-court settlement of the dispute you can also contact the competent bodies for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, e.g. at the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (Kanigos Square, 10181, Athens,, tel .: 1520, fax: 2103843549), to the Consumer Ombudsman (, 144 Alexandras Ave. 114 71, Athens, tel .: 2106460734, fax: 2106460414.), To the Committees of Amicable Settlement of consumer disputes (article 11 of law 2251/1994) located in the local Municipalities of the country. You can also contact the European Alternative Dispute Resolution Body, the relevant online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform of the European Commission:

3. The protection of distance contract laws, as well as these terms, applies to transactions only with natural persons, who are traded for reasons that do not fall within their commercial, craft, business or liberal professional activity.

4. In the event of non-application of any term of this Agreement, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.

20. Update and modification

HELLOHOMEreserves the right to modify / update individual parts of these Terms, without the obligation to inform you in advance. Please always read these terms before making any transaction, to be informed of their current version, in case any modifications or updates have been made.

Last update of these terms: May 2022